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On-Site Hydraulic Filtration
Hydraulic Rebuild & Repair    • Hydraulic Repair
   • Continental Pumps
   • Unibloc Pumps
   • High Pressure Water Pumps
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Continental Hydraulics Pump Rebuild
  • As New warranty

  • "Swap Out" pumps available

C & C Hydraulics is a Service Repair Center for Continental Hydraulics Pumps

For many years, C&C Hydraulics has taken pride in the fact that we help our customers solve their problems. That is why we are offering the service of rebuilding Continental Pumps, especially the PVR50-50 and PVR50-70 Series pumps. We have a state of the art test stand that is designed specifically to test the Continental pumps. We set the flow and pressure to the factory specs, so when the pump arrives at your plant, it is ready to install on your power unit and go to work. All moving parts are replaced to make sure you have a pump that is as good as new.

We are saving plants up to $1000.00 per pump over buying a new pump!

We offer a pick up and delivery service in our area and are set up with a number of freight lines to get your pumps back to you in a timely manner. We keep pumps in our stock for “swap out” to serve you even faster. And, of course, we rebuild several other lines of pumps, motors, cylinders, etc. So give us a call at C&C Hydraulics and we can get your Company saving money, like we have for so many others. 

Continental Hydraulics Pump Rebuild

Continental Pump Rebuild
Flyer - C&C Hydraulics (PDF)

Technical Specifications
Continental Hydraulics
PVR50-70 Vane Pumps (PDF)

Service and Repairs Done With "I Love My Job" Quality!
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